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Sharing a Hemorrhagic Cystitis Literature Review Paper

I wanted to share a review paper on Hemorrhagic Cystitis that I came across recently. The title of the publication is "Hemorrhagic cystitis: a review of the literature and treatment options", and I have a link to the article here. The article was published in October 2022 by the Canadian Journal of Urology. Sharing this because I found it to be a comprehensive source on the subject, end-to-end. As a review article, it consolidates research from multiple sources into one place. This includes a summary on the most common care options as well as disease course. While the publication is written for a healthcare provider audience, I find it accessible enough for most people interested in Hemorrhagic Cystitis.

Please keep in mind when reading about care options in articles like this one - it is possible that more recent research may have disputed or supported anything you read. It is always good to conduct follow-up research and to discuss any option with your healthcare provider.

I found this paper using, which is the National Institute of Health's library of academic papers. As a reminder, use of Pubmed is free and easy, just search for a disease and filter by date/journal/topic. Its the fastest way to gain access to all the latest research on a topic for most people. Many of the articles published are "abstract only" meaning you have to pay for the full article - the good news is there are many articles that are free and you can filter by these in the Pubmed search menu.


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Michael J Gurski
Michael J Gurski
Aug 08, 2024

I found this group on FaceBook. (3) Interstitial Cystitis Warriors | Facebook


Hello David, I just discovered this site, but it looks defunct considering there is no community involvement. Anything I can do to help? This should be a useful resource to all of us.




Jun 21, 2023

I have radiation-induced hemorrhagic cystitis which seems to be acting up/occurring every 3 weeks

To check for recurring prostate cancer I am currently being asked to undergo a CT PET PASMA F18. DO you know whether the radioactive tracers / contrast which will accumulate and uptake in bladder are likely to worsen bladder condition and cause serious hemorrhaging?

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