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Additional Resources


It can be difficult to find good information regarding radiation cystitis. Below are just a few additional organizations that provide information, resources, or support to people living with radiation cystitis, cancer, and other related urology conditions.


Radiation Cystitis Patient Registry (RCPR) (


National Cancer Institute (NCI) (


National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (


American Cancer Society (


Prostate Cancer Foundation (


Urology Care Foundation (


Underactive Bladder Foundation (


Caregiver Action Network (CAN) (


Health in Aging Foundation (


Mens Health Network (


Women’s Health Foundation (


About RC
RC Therapies
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Additional Help

Disclaimer: The material provided in this website is for general informational purposes only. Please do not consider this content medical advice or instruction.  Any information that you may consider on this website should be discussed with a healthcare professional. 

© 2022 by The Radiation Cystitis Foundation

Contact Address: 
Radiation Cystitis Foundation


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